Ready to Use

WallApp provides a simple, reliable way to accept Bitcoin on your website.

Store your Money

To send bitcoin, wallet software uses a secret key, much like a password, to move the bitcoin.

Secure Payments

WallApp provides a full array of options for accepting blockchain payments.

Powerful Options

Learn how to create invoices, issue refunds, manage bills, and more.

Buy and sell directly

Check out all of our direct POS integration options on our documentation page.

Download Anywhere

Our documentation provides everything you need to start accepting blockchain payments.
< powerful_options >
Do more with your
Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash

Get powerful options for spending Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, and for buying and selling Bitcoin. Buy and sell bitcoin directly to and from your wallet. Load and manage your WallApp Card, accepted at all Visa merchants and Visa compatible ATMs worldwide. Get started with Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash the right way.

Jina Nilson, UI Designer
< creative_interface >
Your Own Crypto
Wallet Credit Card

We create e-commerce solutions and slick, eye-pleasing and user-friendly online stores, that let you focus on your business. The most popular form of e-commerce is the online store. It is nothing but a website with a catalog of products and the possibility of buying them by visitors.

$theme_color = esc_attr(Softlab_Theme_Helper::get_option('theme-custom-color')); $defaults = array( 'values' => '', 'icons_pos' => 'left', 'display_inline' => false, 'icon_gap' => '', 'icon_size' => '', 'bg_size' => '', 'border_radius' => '', 'add_box_shadow_element' => false, 'extra_class' => '', // Colors 'all_custom_colors' => false, 'add_bg' => false, 'all_icon_color' => '#ffffff', 'all_icon_hover_color' => $theme_color, 'all_bg_color' => $theme_color, 'all_bg_hover_color' => '#ffffff', 'all_border_color' => '#ffffff', 'all_border_hover_color' => $theme_color, // Offsets 'left_margin' => '', 'right_margin' => '', 'left_padding' => '', 'right_padding' => '', ); $atts = vc_shortcode_attribute_parse($defaults, $atts); extract($atts); $output = $content = $social_wrap_classes = $animation_class = $icon_colors = $soc_icon_wrap_id_attr = ''; $id_i = 0; // extra identificator uniqueness // Adding unique id for social icon module if ((bool)$all_custom_colors || (bool)$add_bg || (bool)$display_inline) { $soc_icon_wrap_id = uniqid( "softlab_soc_icon_wrap_" ); $soc_icon_wrap_id_attr = ' id='.$soc_icon_wrap_id; } // Custom module styles ob_start(); if ((bool)$add_bg) { echo "#$soc_icon_wrap_id a{ background: ".(!empty($all_bg_color) ? esc_attr($all_bg_color) : 'transparent')."; border-color: ".(!empty($all_border_color) ? esc_attr($all_border_color) : 'transparent')."; }"; echo "#$soc_icon_wrap_id a:hover{ background: ".(!empty($all_bg_hover_color) ? esc_attr($all_bg_hover_color) : 'transparent')."; border-color: ".(!empty($all_border_hover_color) ? esc_attr($all_border_hover_color) : $theme_color)."; }"; } if ((bool)$all_custom_colors) { echo "#$soc_icon_wrap_id a{ color: ".(!empty($all_icon_color) ? esc_attr($all_icon_color) : '#ffffff')."; }"; echo "#$soc_icon_wrap_id a:hover{ color: ".(!empty($all_icon_hover_color) ? esc_attr($all_icon_hover_color) : $theme_color)."; }"; } if ((bool)$display_inline) { echo "#$soc_icon_wrap_id{ display: inline-block; }"; } $styles = ob_get_clean(); Softlab_shortcode_css()->enqueue_softlab_css($styles); // Animation if (!empty($atts['css_animation'])) { $animation_class = $this->getCSSAnimation( $atts['css_animation'] ); } // Social wrapper classes $social_wrap_classes .= ' a'.$icons_pos; $social_wrap_classes .= (bool)$add_bg ? 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'font-size:'.esc_attr((int)$icon_size).'px; ' : ''; $bg_size_style = !empty($bg_size) ? 'width:'.esc_attr((int)$bg_size).'px; height:'.esc_attr((int)$bg_size).'px; line-height:'.esc_attr((int)$bg_size).'px; ' : ''; $border_radius_style = ( ($border_radius != '') && (bool)$add_bg ) ? 'border-radius:'.esc_attr((int)$border_radius).'px; ' : ''; $icon_gap_style = ($icon_gap != '') ? 'margin-left:'.esc_attr((int)$icon_gap/2).'px; margin-right:'.esc_attr((int)$icon_gap/2).'px; margin-bottom:'.esc_attr((int)$icon_gap/2).'px; ' : ''; $icon_style = $icon_size_style.$bg_size_style.$border_radius_style.$icon_gap_style; $icon_style = !empty($icon_style) ? 'style="'.$icon_style.'"' : ''; foreach ( $item_data as $item_d ) { $icon = $item_d['icon']; $title_tag = !empty( $item_d['title'] ) ? " title='".esc_attr($item_d['title'])."'" : ""; $new_tab = !empty( $item_d['link'] ) && (bool)$item_d['new_tab'] ? "target='_blank'" : ""; $social_attr = ''; if ((bool)$item_d['custom_colors']) { $social_id = uniqid( "soc_icon_" ).++$id_i; $social_attr = ' id='.$social_id; } // Custom styles for each icon ob_start(); if ((bool)$item_d['custom_colors']) { echo ".softlab_module_social #$social_id{ color: ".$item_d['icon_color']."; }"; echo ".softlab_module_social #$social_id:hover{ color: ".$item_d['icon_hover_color']."; }"; if ((bool)$add_bg ) { echo ".softlab_module_social #$social_id{ background: ".$item_d['bg_color']."; }"; echo ".softlab_module_social #$social_id:hover{ background: ".$item_d['bg_hover_color']."; }"; } } $styles = ob_get_clean(); Softlab_shortcode_css()->enqueue_softlab_css($styles); $content .= ''; } $output .= '
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Years of cooperation with both corporations and startups


Years of cooperation with both corporations and startups


Years of cooperation with both corporations and startups


Years of cooperation with both corporations and startups

< pricing_plans >
The Best Solutions for
Agencies and Business Companies

Monthly Package

  • 25 Analytics Campaign
  • 1,300 Keywords
  • 25 Social Media Reviews
  • 1 Free Optimization
  • 24/7 Support

Monthly Package

  • 25 Analytics Campaign
  • 1,300 Keywords
  • 25 Social Media Reviews
  • 1 Free Optimization
  • 24/7 Support

Monthly Package

  • 25 Analytics Campaign
  • 1,300 Keywords
  • 25 Social Media Reviews
  • 1 Free Optimization
  • 24/7 Support

Monthly Package

  • 25 Analytics Campaign
  • 1,300 Keywords
  • 25 Social Media Reviews
  • 1 Free Optimization
  • 24/7 Support

Monthly Package

  • 25 Analytics Campaign
  • 1,300 Keywords
  • 25 Social Media Reviews
  • 1 Free Optimization
  • 24/7 Support

Monthly Package

  • 25 Analytics Campaign
  • 1,300 Keywords
  • 25 Social Media Reviews
  • 1 Free Optimization
  • 24/7 Support